The Board of Stewards are the spiritual lay leaders of the Church. The Steward is the highest office in the local church held by laypersons. Stewards are to be primarily concerned about the Church's and members' spiritual welfare. In addition, they are charged with temporal responsibilities. The Stewards are members of Pastor's cabinet and help the Pastor in all administrative capacities and assist the Pastor's course of actions and decision-making. They serve as private advisors to the Pastor and their duty is to the Church and their purpose, at all costs, is to act on its behalf.
Stewards are persons of spiritual piety who are appointed for a one-year term by the Pastor and confirmed by the Quarterly Conference. They should be at least eighteen years of age, members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for at least two years. No less than three stewards are allowed with a maximum of nineteen stewards to a church's Board of Stewards. The Pastor serves as chair of the Board of Stewards and appoints a chair pro tem to act in the Pastor's absence.
The aspects of Stewards' duties are spiritual, financial, advisory and functionary:
The Stewards are responsible for ensuring that the elements (bread, wine, cup) for Holy Communion are provided.
The Stewards are responsible for ensuring that the record-keeping for baptisms, births, deaths, marriages, probationers, and members are maintained.
The Stewards are responsible for conducting an annual survey of the Church's membership.
All funds collected by the Church and allocated through the Church are to be accounted for by the Stewards.
The Stewards are responsible for benevolence: making provisions deemed necessary to give financial aid to the distressed and those in need.
The Stewards are responsible for negotiating the Pastor's compensation and ensuring that the Pastor's temporal needs are met.
The Stewards are to fulfill any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Pastor.